

The International Talent Finland Research Project

Duration: 2021–2023
Authors: Mari K. Niemi, Ville Pitkänen, Matti Välimäki ja Roosa Veijola

Partners: Confederation of Finnish industries (EK), Technology Industries of Finland, Kunta- ja hyvinvointialuetyönantajat KT, KEVA, Tekniikan Akateemiset, Industrial Employees TP, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland, Business Finland, and the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Tampere, and Oulu

Finland's population is aging and shrinking. In the light of population projections, the situation will not improve on its own: financing and running a welfare state will require more talents in the labour market.

In the International Talent Finland Research Project, we will inquire how to attract international talents to take part in building the country. Our research serves the needs of the public and private sectors to acquire new skills as well as to prepare for an aging population.

The key stakeholders in our research project are:

  • Expatriate Finns who live outside Finland (incl. students)
  • Expatriate Finns who have returned back to Finland
  • International students, researchers, and business experts in Finland, as well as the spouses of experts
  • International diginomads who are location-independent

We invite international talents to share their experiences, views, and innovative contributions. The work is being done together with the talents, the experts of the project's consortium, and our research team.

We look at talent and different talent groups with a solution-oriented approach and from the perspective of resources. We ask how Finland can become a country that invites, engages, and attracts talent, and where it is easy for an expatriate Finn to return to or a foreigner to come to work. How could people from outside Finland also take part in building the country?

In our research, we utilize qualitative (interviews, workshops) and quantitative (surveys) methods, and we develop concrete, usable solutions together, across sector boundaries.

Special features of the project

  • Close cooperation between international talents, consortium partners and researchers - we develop solutions together.
  • Examination of international talent as a phenomenon and production of comparable information from different groups of international talents.
  • Updating information on international talent in the post-covid world. Not everything has changed, but many things have.
  • Active participation of the consortium in the social discussion - the project events and interim reports support this.
  • Producing policy recommendations in addition to research data. Our work will be completed before the 2023 parliamentary elections.

Read more about the project:
Follow the project on Twitter @kvosaajiensuomi and Facebook.

Project publications (in English and in Finnish)

Name Type Size
Kansainväliset osaajat ja Suomi: Mielikuvat, kotiutuminen, työelämä ja tuen tarpeet pdf 1.23 Mb
TToimenpidesuositukset, Kansainvälisten osaajien Suomi -tutkimushanke pdf 0.55 Mb
Ulkomaalaiset osaajat Suomessa: työelämä, arki ja osallisuus pdf 70.88 Mb
International students in Finland: studies, everyday life, employment and plans for the future pdf 64.06 Mb
Digital nomads and Finland report, International Talent Finland Research Project E2 Research pdf 6.39 Mb
Kansainvälisten osaajien Suomi -hankkeen ulkosuomalaisia ja paluumuuttajia koskeva raportti 21.4.2022 pdf 64.75 Mb

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