

Inter-generational Concerns and Strengths I: The Common Denominators of Working Life

Authors: Jenni Simonen, Jussi Westinen, and Aino Heikkilä

Partners: Industrial Employees TP, Finnish Paper Workers' Union, The Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL, Trade Union Pro and Service Union United PAM

The sub-study I “The Common Denominators of Working Life” examines the central cornerstone of the welfare society, i.e., working life. The study compares the working life views and inter-generational relationships of young and middle-aged people.

The study allows ordinary Finns to express their thoughts on the reality of work and livelihood. The study examines Finns' views on what factors provide strength, joy and security, and what factors cause pressure, fear, and anxiety in working life.

The study collects extensive survey and qualitative group interview data. Combining the data provides an in-depth understanding of the intergenerational relationship and the current state of the welfare society.

The project will help draw a picture of intergenerational bridges and potential gaps. Knowledge of the factors that unite generations is essential for the continuity of the welfare society. The information produced in the project helps not only to anticipate change factors but also to identify potential risks below the surface. The research also makes visible silent signals that, if strengthened, can challenge social development.


Project publications (in Finnish)

Name Type Size
Työn sukupolvet: Tutkimus nuorten ja keski-ikäisten työelämänäkemyksistä pdf 1.19 Mb
Työn sukupolvet -raportti: Tulostettava versio pdf 1.17 Mb

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