

How are we doing? Annual review of Finn’s mental landscape

Duration: 2022-

"How are we doing?" is E2 Research's own annual review of Finn’s values and attitudes. With this review, E2 Research serves decision-makers who make significant choices in politics, administration, businesses, and organizations. The information helps identify societal sensitivities and anticipate changes before they become headline news.

Review for the year 2023 (in Finnish)
Key findings in English

Review for the year 2022

Media coverage of the Review for the year 2023

Load publications here

Name Type Size
Miten meillä menee? Katsaus suomalaiseen mielenmaisemaan 2023 pdf 11.00 Mb
How are Finns doing? A study of Finns’ concerns and views on fairness and future prospects in 2023 pdf 3.92 Mb
Miten meillä menee? Katsaus suomalaiseen mielenmaisemaan 2022 pdf 6.24 Mb
Ajankohtaiskatsaus: Opettajien näkemykset suomalaisesta yhteiskunnasta keväällä 2022 pdf 0.20 Mb

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